Saturday 16 November 2013

37) Faith, Love, Patience

These three virtues are worth developing. It is worth taking the time to encourage your own faith, selfless love and patience, and the same virtues in others.

These three virtues create a happy environment within your mind. When your life goes on against the backdrop of faith, love and patience, your interaction with the world becomes one of happiness and joy and forgiveness.

One way you can do this, is simply by repeating a Mantra, a few well chosen words that will gradually penetrate deep within you, to effect your thoughts and the way your feel, the way you live your life.

Some people choose some words that they feel resonate for them, such as ...
"Peace, patience, selfless love"
Or you may prefer to choose one of the Mantras that have been used for thousands of years, and are thought to bestow virtues from God as the divine life-giver.

Millions the world over recite Mantras as part of their daily routine, and they feel profound benefits as a result.

Seek and you will find.

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