Wednesday, 5 June 2013

2) Right Interpretation ... Live Life In Happiness

When we actually stop misinterpreting what our senses tell us, the messages we THINK they are giving us, and see behind the churning of our minds, then we stop being caught up in the turmoil of turbulent unsettling thoughts.

We see the truth of this, and recognise how we are being deceived by our minds, but the clarity of understanding initially lasts for only a short while. The habit of misinterpreting our environment is so deep set, it takes a significant effort of will to be able to stop the habit.

So, for example, when your friend Fred ignores you completely when he walks right past you on the street, how would you react? Do you feel hurt and upset? Or are you genuinely concerned for Fred, because he obviously has something on his mind that is really worrying him?

If our mind goes down the first route, we could make all sorts of accusations about Fred, to his face or behind his back, causing numerous negative ramifications, hurting Fred, yourself and others.

If our mind goes down the second route, we call Fred to make sure he’s ok. Fred feels loved, cared for, supported, and you feel happy knowing you’re a good friend.

Can you see what a massive impact our interpretation has on our world and our life?

The creation of positive or negative energy in our life is completely dependent on the interpretation of the messages our mind receives when Fred ignores us on the street.

Seeing the truth of this reality behind the turbulence of our mind is the key to happiness. With awareness and understanding, we can stop this mistake from happening. The only way to stop it, is to keep returning to Point Zero. Point Zero is a clear mind free from turbulence, a place we find in meditation.

Practicing meditation regularly, the clarity experienced eventually seeps into everyday life, bringing an end to misinterpretation and an end to mental suffering.

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