Sunday, 30 June 2013

8) The Decision

We get to a point in life where we decide that something has to give. We know deep down, that we need to concentrate on the things in life that are really important.

We come to the realisation, that the only really important thing we can do in our life is to help and serve others. We feel that this is our reason for being on this earth. We find it is difficult to put it into words, but somehow we feel a burning desire to try to make things better.

We also realise that our life is passing us by, and that we want to stop wasting the precious seconds that up until now, have come and gone unnoticed. We want to do something useful and we want our lives to count. We want to live every second, and be aware of every second.

The first step is to become aware of our cravings for meaningless distractions, and to make the decision that no longer will the cravings control us. We will no longer allow distractions and attachment to those distractions, to use up the precious seconds of our life.

We also decide that no longer will we waste our time hearing about how others wasted their time by reading newspapers, or watching the box, or playing with social media on the internet. We decide to use our time more wisely, to learn about where we have come from, who we are, where we are heading, and how to help others in our world, to make it a better place.

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