Thursday, 1 August 2013

19) How Can We Stop The Pain?

How Do We Stop The Thoughts Which Produce Pain?

There is really only one way to achieve lasting happiness.

By using infinite kindness, compassion, joy and equanimity. 

Constant use will stop the pain and create happiness.

We can do this when we can keep our feelings in balance.

We can learn this. It requires practice, practice, practice.

·         If something is enjoyable, stay balanced.

·         If something hurts, stay balanced.

·         If something is distasteful, stay balanced.

·         If something makes you feel great, stay balanced.

In order to achieve balance, we MUST really desire it. If we are not motivated, we will not succeed. If we are motivated, we will succeed.

Every second of our life, we can feel genuine love for all the life forms out there.

We need infinite kindness, a burning desire to somehow make all living beings happy, on our own if necessary.

We need infinite compassion to take away every pain of all living beings, on our own if necessary.

We need to be infinitely joyful and enthusiastic about looking after, nurturing, helping all life in all its forms, on our own if necessary.

We need to keep infinite equanimity in all situations, whether we feel well or we feel ill, still driven to help everyone everywhere, on our own if necessary.

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